How to Report Spam on an Android Phone
1. First make a note of the phone number the spam text came from. You'll need it later.
2. To Forward the spam message, tap on the Menu button of your Android and then tap Forward 3. Then select the spam message you want to forward by tapping on it. 4. Now enter 7726 as the number you want to forward the message to, and tap Send.5. In a few seconds you should get a reply from your carrier asking for the sending number of the spam. Below you can see a message from Sprint:
6. Now enter the number of the spammer (that you made a note of earlier in step 1) and tap Send. This will let the carrier know who sent the spam to you so that they can take action against the spammer.
Also checkout how to report spam on an iPhone, and look out for tomorrow's post on how to report spam using Verizon Messages which is available for Android on the Google Play Store ( )