
UCENET Virtual Conference 2023: Rise in SMS spam a key theme

Proofpoint was pleased to present at UCENet Virtual Conference 2023

Meeting: UCENET Virtual Conference 2023: Rise in SMS spam a key theme
Date: 2 April, 2023

Proofpoint presented and overview of the M3AAWG organization and an overview of mobile abuse reporting (SMS spam reporting) and its benefits.

Dennis Dayman, Resident CISO, Proofpoint presented an Overview of the Messaging, Malware, Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group (M3AAWG).

Michael Blum, Director, Product Management of Proofpoint’s Cloudmark Division presented on the Mobile Abuse Visibility Solution. This presentation included:

  • A brief update on mobile abuse
  • Mobile abuse reporting platforms & abuse reporting
  • A brief overview of the evolution of abuse reporting

Proofpoint UCENET Virtual Conference Presentation Link