Cloudmark Platform for Mobile
Mobile Messaging Security
キャリア向けの高度セキュリティ ソリューション
Cloudmark Platform for Mobile Messaging は、サービスプロバイダーのネットワークで発生する、様々なモバイル メッセージングの悪用や脅威を自動的に検知して軽減します。
最先端の SMS/MMS/RCS ファイアウォール、不正使用防止ポリシー ディシジョン ポイント (PDP)
キャリア向けのスケーラブルで実績ある送信者レピュテーションとコンテンツ フィルタリング。モバイルでのフィッシング/スミッシング、スパム、グレイルート悪用、およびマルウェアへの対策を提供。
高度なトラフィック セキュリティ
Cloudmark Platform for Mobile Messaging はサービスプロバイダー向けに最高のメッセージング セキュリティを提供します。このキャリア向けソフトウェアは、特許取得済みのプロトコルとコンテンツベースのフィルタリング アルゴリズムを用い、急速に進化するスパム、マルウェア、フィッシング攻撃からネットワークを保護します。
Cloudmark のトラフィック処理とフィルタリング プロトコルはわずかなリソースしか必要としないため、設備投資や消費電力を大幅に抑えられます。クラスタリング機能により、どのような環境でも高いスケーラビリティと信頼性を確保します。
業界随一のコンテンツ フィルタリング エンジン
Powered by Cloudmark Authority, Cloudmark Platform for Mobile Messaging provides comprehensive anti-spam, anti-phishing and anti-virus filtering for your SMS, MMS, RCS, or e-mail to SMS networks.
With rate-limiting and traffic shaping capabilities, Cloudmark Platform drastically reduces messaging abuse at the network level, deterring spammers from sending large volumes of unwanted messages. Classes of Service are used to provide flow control and traffic rules as required to enable valid message delivery while restricting abusive traffic.
Cloudmark Platform gathers threat intelligence by tracking real-time and historical traffic characteristics and uses those in the context of the traffic being filtered. So on the email to SMS or MMS interface for example, messages destined for a mobile network use items such as header data, envelope information, message content, and message verdicts. Different information such as short codes and the creators of messages are used for traffic in the network. Security policies are updated dynamically, providing immediate, automatic detection and categorization of traffic as well as protection against rapidly-morphing SMS spam, phishing, and malware attacks.
Cloudmark Platform for Mobile Messaging interfaces with all major SMSCs, MMSC's, databases, provisioning systems, billing systems, and directories for easy deployment. The system provides comprehensive control of service levels and workflows, harnessing the full power of rate limits, custom rules, white/blacklists, sender classifications, and other policies.
To protect against attacks that are spread across multiple targets to avoid detection and high-volume sequential attacks against individual hosts, Cloudmark Platform for Mobile Messaging shares threat intelligence across clusters within the environment.
Ensuring that the traffic which goes through the mobile network is valid and meets the acceptable usage policies of the system is another factor which is important in controlling abuse of mobile networks. The Cloudmark Platform allows analysis of the traffic to ensure that senders are not abusing the system or trying to work around end user or partner agreements. This allows detection and blocking of SIM farms and grey routes active in networks.